Book A Printer Demo

Experience our printers' outstanding speed and print quality for yourself!
If you are keen to learn more about our products, book a demo with us and our staff will arrange a time with you. The non-obligatory printer demo session will usually take around 1 hour and will cover:

  • Introduction of the demo unit
  • Conduct printer demo and proof of concept
  • Provide print samples on desired print types and styles
  • Price comparison and estimated total cost of ownership
  • Quotation consultation

Clarify your concerns and have your questions answered in our printer demo session. Some frequently asked questions from our customers are:

  • Are the quality of Epson T-Series printouts up to our standards?
  • Is it worth it to purchase Epson T-Series or should I outsource to external printing services?
  • Which T-Series printer is suitable for my industry and needs?
  • Can you provide me with a print sample for my desired print type and style?
  • Are the Epson T-Series printers compatible with my operating systems? (iOS, Mac OS, Windows, Android, Linux)